Saturday, December 22, 2007

How Kids Can Learn the Geography And Climate Of Israel

For those who wish to learn a good deal about Bible backgrounds, a quick pictorial study, apparently developed for children (but useful for adults too), can be found at:

There will, of course, be differences between the modern and ancient Israel, but the climate and land have changed the least of any two elements of Bible backgrounds one might choose. Here, you learn that about 60% of Israel's land consists of the Negev desert. Who knew.

You can become familiar with those places where David ran from Saul, where Joshua conquered the trespassing 7 nations in this or that battle, and the like. Even when you do not know the cities of the Old World, you still can learn the regions and have a fair idea of what it would have been like to live there.

Have fun looking around at all the diagrams and charts, where you might just learn a good deal more about your Bible in a very short span than you have in a long time.

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