Friday, October 5, 2007

Okay, Just A Few More Points About Today's Darwinism

Underneath the contemporary debate between the "intelligent design" crowd and the Darwinators operates a philosophical set of assumptions about the nature of the sciences wholly at odds with the Bible. We should favor neither side, even though it seems more "logical" to some to wish the nonsecularist approach to win the day.

This superficial perspective, however, quickly melts away under a few well-placed questions. Let us ask these, shall we?

1. Is "intelligent design" consistent with Islam and contemporary Judaism? And is the teaching of the Bible consistent with these?

First, we answer, "Yes." Second, "No." Do you see a problem? This implies that (surprise!) the intelligent design program is at odds with the Holy Bible by the transitive property of equality (there is a logical counterpart to this mathematically formulated axiom).

Second, Does the Bible (think Colossians 2) warn us against "philosophies not founded upon Christ"? How intelligent is it to violate a direct command of the Word of God - and how is this "Christian"?

Third, Do Christians want to have to depend on the authority of the sciences in order to publically declare that God is the Creator? Does the Bible forbid two masters (final authorities)?

Fourth, the Bible proclaims REVELATION, and revelation is not theoretical because of its final authority. It is infallible, certain, pure, from above, divine in origin, irrefutable, not subject to the vicissitudes resulting changing pools of evidence (eternal), powerful to effect its ends, etc.

In other words, special revelation bears all the communicable and INCOMMUNICABLE attributes of God. Theories do not. Thus, attempting to establish any doctrine of the Word upon "scientific" grounds amounts to an extraordinary DEMOTION. The Bible says, "DO NOT DO THIS" in about fifteen different ways.

Therefore, the Word teaches that the "intelligent design" and "scientific creationist" programs are vastly sub-biblical (my polite way of saying "sinful") even when their protagonists -- many of whom are believers in the Lord Jesus -- mean well by so doing. Good motives and goals are not good enough. We need the right standard. Only the right standard guarantees victory. And it has well been said, "There is no substitute for victory."

Righteousness exalts a nation, and has but one standard. Therefore, let the whole nation of God's people say with one voice what the Word says. Say it loudly, skillfully and often. The truth is destined -- some would say "predestined" -- to win the day. The contrary is impossible.

This means that the Frog-prince theories -- said to thrive with the "kiss" of time unto ever greater transformative states -- is doomed to die the death of a thousand contradictions. The tragic part of the whole things is this: the light of nature makes it extremely obvious that there is a Creator, and even tells us a good deal about Him.

It takes a very darkened mind to miss this. The Bible files this information under "Duh." (Romans 1:20 ff) You do not want dark minds teaching your children. For the Lord's children are children of light. And what has light in common with darkness?

Homeschoolers rule; if not today, then tomorrow. But they rule. Public schools? Oi Vey. Their biology classes require you to deny common sense (for general revelation is common to all men) to get an "A." I should rather swim in a pool of protozoan pondscum than teach what is obviously silly. What then?

The European Parliament and postmodern American established "education mill" has simply quit common sense and gone into full-blown denialism. They revamped the textbooks to include all and only evolutionary views in response to the "Sputnik event" in the late 1950's. The space race between the USSR and USA seemed to many to require a more "serious" approach to the sciences to outdo (or else catch up to) the competition.

But once you adopt nonsense as your set of first principles, your learning curve drops sharply. This began in earnest throughout the sixties, as SAT scores fell, and the liberal arts began to feel the squeeze with departments everywhere downsizing through that decade to the present. Now technical skills have replaced the liberal studies requiring a sense of absolute or objective truth to foster their growth. So much for the blessings of Neo-Darwinian textbook renovations.

Thinking you are just an animal with no inherent dignity as a God-made image of the Creator does nothing to elevate your ethical refinement (but much destroys it). This is why students on public school campuses often act like animals. They simply believe what they are told. Then we need the "self-esteem" Dr. Phil crew to "fix" their maladjusted ways (without mentioning the real problem -- called sin).

Bring on the ADD and ADHD diagnosis when the kids need spankings (and hugs). Throw drugs at them and ruin their livers, and harm their developing anatomies. Then the problems really begin.

Homeschoolers can easily avoid this "evolutionary trajectory." The Bible has the answer. Darwin? Not so much. I am renaming his Magnum Opus, "The Origin of Specious Arguments.

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